We’ve developed these guidelines to maintain the professional level of NY NOW and enhance the experience for all who exhibit and attend. We thank you for following these rules and helping us uphold our standards of excellence.
Qualification info
General Info
- This Market is for trade only. Individuals must provide direct, professional trade affiliation documentation to be admitted.
- Registration is free for all qualified buyers.
- Information on the last day to submit Summer Market credentials will be available soon. For reference, the last day to submit for Winter Market in advance for approval was January 30, 2025. Anyone who registered online after January 30th was required to bring credentials for on-site entry.
- Please allow 10 business days from the time you upload your documentation for your credentials to be reviewed and confirmation with the bar code to be sent to you.
- Suppliers to the trade and Non-Exhibiting Manufacturers may register before the show opens for $300. Registrations during show days (1/31-2/4) increase to $400.
- Children under the age of 14 may be admitted as guests ($65 admission fee) if accompanied by a registered attendee. Strollers are not permitted on the exhibit show floor at any time.
- Please note that only major credit cards are accepted for on-site registrations. Cash will not be accepted.
- Members of the trade must bring all credentials with them to show on-site at registration.
NY NOW is open to the trade only. To attend, you must provide identification to qualify your business, and separate identification to qualify each individual employee from your store or company.
- Company Please bring TWO forms of Company identification.
- Employee Please bring ONE form of Employee identification the following are acceptable:
- Employee verification letter on company letterhead from owner or manager stating job status
- Copy of company credit card with both employee’s and company’s name
- Copy of company insurance card with employee’s name
- Copy of Business Card
Please note that acceptable Employee identification must be submitted for each registrant. We reserve the right to request additional business identification if deemed necessary. You will also be required to submit proof of your identity when you pick up your badge.
We also reserve the right to decline access to the market at any time to maintain the integrity of our events. If you do not possess the documents or credentials detailed in the sections below, please reach out to our team at [email protected], and we’ll be happy to assist.
- Your Business Tax Identification Doc
- Active website address through which company business can be validated
- Two recent invoices (both within last 12 months) from industry manufacturers for goods purchased at wholesale/in quantity for a minimum of $1,000
- Store/commercial lease indicating the type of business. For leases, provide only the first two pages of Store lease stating you are a retail business.
Manufacturers’ Representatives (multi-line)
Provide a list of lines currently being represented at the NY NOW. You must also provide proof of agreement for at least one of the lines you are representing at NY NOW.
Wholesalers, Importers, & Exporters
Provide samples of brochures, catalogs, etc. that show product selection and inventory.
Interior Designers
Provide the appropriate certification, professional designation or membership in an industry association.
New Businesses
A letter of intent from an attorney or bank on official letterhead stating the intent to start a new retail business (this is acceptable for new businesses only), along with your tax ID / EIN documentation. Each new business request will be assessed on an individual basis. If you have questions, please reach out to [email protected].
You must be currently enrolled in a university to access the market. In order to be approved, you must provide a valid student ID (currently dated) or an official transcript for the most recent semester.
NY NOW values the contributions of media representatives and requires proper documentation to ensure that press passes are reserved for legitimate members of the press. To register for a press pass at NY NOW, media professionals must provide credentials that clearly indicate their affiliation with a recognized news organization. Acceptable credentials include:
- Official press identification cards
- Business cards identifying your role within the media outlet
- A letter of assignment from your editorial department
- A recent bylined article
- Active social media URLs through which press business can be validated
Additionally, journalists may be asked to provide links to their published work or a media kit. We understand the diverse nature of media roles, and we are committed to working with you to facilitate your participation in NY NOW.
Other Helpful Information
Market Rules
- Luggage carts, wheeled cases of any kind, and strollers are not allowed on the exhibit floor during Market hours. At Show Management discretion, we are able to make accommodations for medical needs only. Please contact [email protected] to request an exception.
- In compliance with New York City regulations, there is no smoking in any area of the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center.
- To maintain the integrity of this wholesale market, onsite sales and delivery of merchandise are strictly prohibited. All orders must be shipped.
- The exhibitor must grant permission before photographing their product or display.
- For the protection of all participants, we reserve the right to revoke the badge and Market privileges of anyone exhibiting inappropriate behavior.
- Emerald reserves the right to accept, reject, or prohibit registration for all attendance at its events at any time for any reason.
- Click here to review the Emerald Privacy Policy
NY NOW Terms & Conditions:
1. Attendee grants Emerald the right to use Attendee’s name, image and likeness, including but not limited to any photographs or video taken of you at the show, for marketing purposes.
2. ATTENTION: Exhibitors and Sponsors at NY NOW may utilize badge scanning in order to follow up with you after the show. Please be aware that by permitting an exhibitor/sponsor to scan your badge, your contact information including address, email, phone & fax will be shared with the exhibitor/sponsor, and NY NOW will no longer be in control of how your information is used. Questions or concerns? Email [email protected].
3. Emerald reserves the right to accept, reject or prohibit registration for or attendance at its events at any time for any reason.
4. Attendee expressly assumes, and releases Emerald and any affiliates from, all risks, claims, damages, losses, costs and expenses, whether or not reasonably foreseeable, associated with, resulting from or arising in connection with Attendee’s participation, presence or sampling of any products at the Event, including, without limitation, all risks of harm, damage, illness (including viruses or illness from any communicable disease or from any sampled products) or injury (including death) to or related to Attendee and his or her person or property.
5. Attendee expressly agrees to fully comply with applicable CDC, state and local health official guidelines relating to all current health and safety measures and protocols (including those related to COVID, if any) required by Emerald and the venue for attendance at NY NOW. Emerald reserves the right to remove any attendee from the event for failure to adhere to any such health and safety measures or other protocols for attendance at the event.
6. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you confirm that you have reviewed and agree to the Emerald Privacy Policy. NY NOW is an affiliated brand of Emerald X LLC. Emerald and our affiliates would like to keep you informed about related events and services. Information on Emerald’s privacy practices is provided in our privacy policy. We may also share your information with our sponsors, exhibitors and event partners, who may also send you information about their products and services. If you do not wish to receive such information, please visit our website for more information on your privacy choices.
7. Any and all ticket sales are final and non-refundable. This includes all tickets and passes of any kind, without exception. Promo codes are not valid for prior purchases.